Since we were established in 1990, we have enjoyed major growth to become one of the foremost risk protection advisors in the area.

Our Partners Trevor Pretty and Paul Goodman lead a team that will provide you with a service which is as individual as you are.

Over the years we have gained a wide spectrum of clients across the UK and since our creation we have been dedicated to working with businesses of all shapes and sizes providing them with an enviable level of service, something we proudly continue today.


Contact Us

Lynes House
Lynes Lane
BH24 1BT

Contact Us

01425 471141

Email: office (at) goodmansinsurance.co.uk

Arranging Insurance for:

Outdoor Industries

Leisure Industry

Private Clients

OASIS Insurance is a trading name of Goodmans Commercial Insurance Brokers LLP and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority